Our church (First EFC- Maplewood, MN) youth ministries have partnered with CastleRock Community Church and Urban Impact Ministries in the Central-City of New Orleans since 1997. This blog will highlight the activities of our 2011 team.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

In Their Own Words- Eric

"Thank you for all your prayer and support for the whole team. I have been down to New Orleans two (count em) times before, and both times I saw God work in many ways so I was curious to see how He would work on this trip. God showed himself to me in many ways on this trip. All three teams worked very well with each other ad had a unified goal of bringing glory to God in all we did. God taught me that I can glorify Him with any talent I have, no matter how small or great it is. Every time I have been to New Orleans, it gets harder to leave, and I feel like God may be calling me to serve as an intern there next summer. I ask that you would keep all of the staff and children they work with in your prayers as they try to rebuild and restore the community of New Orleans. Thank you again and God bless!" -Eric

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