Our church (First EFC- Maplewood, MN) youth ministries have partnered with CastleRock Community Church and Urban Impact Ministries in the Central-City of New Orleans since 1997. This blog will highlight the activities of our 2011 team.

Monday, July 21, 2008

First Day In The Books

What a day! Everyone was a bit nervous, since most of our team had not been to New Orleans beofere. In the morning we had a chapel time with Mike Robinson which challenged us to consider "Kingdomnomics." I will give you a hint, it is about People, Relationship and Resources. After lunch we did some prep and were off to our duties for the first day of Day Camp. We had Unity Time, Bible Time, Crafts, and Soccer. Our group did great. Pastor Dave helped out at Pastor John's (CastleRock Church Senior Pastor) house with siding.

After a short break and supper, we headed out to the Calliope & Melph Housing Projects to do our recreation and Challenge Circle. It was a beautiful evening, things cooled down a bit, only a little bit about, to 90 degrees. Cara hurt her knee a bit as she ran with one of the kids around the Challenge Circle. We will know more on Tuesday. We ended the night with a the water balloon launches which are always a blast.

Prayer Requests:
Cara's knee injury
More children to show up at the Calliope Challenge Circle
For continued strength and endurance
For opportunites to tell the children the Good News of Jesus Christ

The Poem Continues. . . .

Today was the start of day camp
by the end we were a bit damp
During Challenge Circle we all got stoked
Then we launched balloons which got us soaked
(substitute poem writer for Cara, Eric Baumgartner)


(discipleship) said...

Hey everyone. I'm glad to head your first day in the community went (mostly) without incident. You are all in my prayers. Eric, your poetry is very moving.


Anonymous said...

cara- im praying for a quick recovery of your knee! Especially with captain's practice coming up... love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi to eveyone from the Schad's! I just caught up on the blog. Today was beach day, lots of families enjoyed the usual tuesday at Lake Elmo and many people asked about how things were going for the group in New Orleans. Everyone's praying for you all. We look forward to hearing an update on how God is working through you there. Keep sharing with us here at home, everyone give Natalie a hug from us!!

Gina (for all)