Our church (First EFC- Maplewood, MN) youth ministries have partnered with CastleRock Community Church and Urban Impact Ministries in the Central-City of New Orleans since 1997. This blog will highlight the activities of our 2011 team.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome to the State of Museums (We only saw about ten signs on the way...)

The day started with the transportation team (Matt, Koley, and Jake) packing up the van. Next, family and friends prayed for our safe travels and about spreading the love of God in New Orleans. We left the church at 3:15 and started our almost 300 mile trek. In the van, we started off by playing a riveting game of pictionary telephone, and moved on to an energetic game of Mad Libs. We started to get weary of traveling after we got into Iowa. About three hours after hunger set in, we went to Fazoli's for supper. Finally about 9:30 we got to our Holiday Inn and settled in for the night, thus ending our day.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers! Please continue to pray for our safe travel, health, and patience on the way.

We are so blessed to have an opportunity like this.
God bless!

"The journey of 1245 miles begins with the start of the engine"
(Kinda) Chinese Proverb

The 2nd annual poem begins...

We got to church and prayed
And in the van games we played
We drove all day
And what can we say?
Six hours in the van we stayed.

-your amazing blog team (minus Andrew for today, plus Ashley)

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