Our church (First EFC- Maplewood, MN) youth ministries have partnered with CastleRock Community Church and Urban Impact Ministries in the Central-City of New Orleans since 1997. This blog will highlight the activities of our 2011 team.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In Their Own Words - Sarah

This trip to New Orleans was an experience I had never imagined would be so influential as it was. I fell in love with everyone I came in contact with down there including the staff, the locals, and especially the children. An overwhelming peace was ever present over me while I was down there. There is something about constant service to God and others that satisfies the heart and blankets you with a peace that can only be found when you are living as one in accordance with God. One thing that I will never forget is the time we spent with the kids at the projects. The kids would get so thirsty when we were playing with them and ask us for water. Every night I would arrive with a full water bottle and leave with it empty. Every night, this verse would come to mind, Matthew 25:35 ³For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.² seeing God¹s Word and will come to life down there changed my life. I thank God that he was able to use me, even in small ways, as his vessel to share his love.

In Their Own Words - Marissa

I had an absolute blast in New Orleans. It wasn't all fun and games, though.
I witnessed some pretty amazing things down there. I think one thing that really struck me about that week was the joy and hope the children there possess despite their situation. I had always known that I was supposed to have a heart for the poor, and that loving the poor was showing love for Jesus Himself. I thought I did love the poor, because I cared what happened to them and sometimes thought about them. New Orleans taught me that loving the poor is so much more than just thinking about them once in a while and sometimes remembering them in your prayers. It is actually physically getting dirty and sweaty and gross to play with their children; it is doing things that are sometimes scary, like putting yourself in an entirely unfamiliar environment in hopes of being a witness to those around you; it is doing something you may not want to do in order to serve your King. After my week in New Orleans, I can now truly say that I have a heart for the poor, and I hope to return in the near future for more inner city ministry.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In Their Own Words - Esther

New Orleans has been an amazing experience!! I've learned so much and grown closer to so many people! Both years it's been really hard to leave because there's so much I love about being down there, like the kids, the interns, all the youth groups, cheers, scheduled devotion time, and there's so much more. One thing that's really great about Urban Impact is that even though you're down there to serve they have chapel and scheduled devotion time so I've grown so much in my faith from being there. One of the things I've taken away from this experience is to always put God first, they have a saying God first, others second, and I'm third, which I really started to think about over the week. Thank you for all of you that supported the team by prayer or financially. It's really great being in New Orleans and knowing there are so many people praying for you!! I'm really glad I've been able to go to New Orleans, I really hope I can go next year!!!

In Their Own Words - Karen

It was fun to be able to go back to New Orleans this year! I love going to New Orleans because it's fun to get to know all the people on our team better and to get to know all the other teams that are down there with us.
Going down there is awesome because on top of being able to play with kids and show them God's love we have scheduled devotions so that we can read our Bible, pray and grow closer to God. It is so cool to see what Urban Impact is doing in New Orleans and I hope that I will be able to go next year!

Monday, July 27, 2009

In Their Own Words - Bekah

This year was my first year going to New Orleans. At first I was a little apprehensive because I didn't know what to expect. When my sister decided to come with as a chaperone, I was really excited. Despite my slight apprehension, God really showed me how much He is in control and that I didn't need to worry about anything.

One of the things that really stuck out to me on this trip was how all of these people could come together and minister so effectively with virtually no "get-to-know-each-other" time because of our common bond in Christ. Another thing that really impacted and refreshed me was just seeing the powerful ministry that Castle Rock and Urban Impact have and being reminded of the importance and impact of the simple Gospel message. The testimonies that we heard were also really encouraging and through them I was reminded of the greatness and awesome power of God.

This trip changed me in ways that nothing else could, and it brought me closer to God and to my youth group. I thank God for the things I learned, the friends I made, and the opportunity I had to be a part of this ministry for a week.

In Their Words: Alex

I had sooo much fun returning to New Orleans! I feel so comfortable there and feel God’s presence so much! I had a lot of fun getting to know the interns and kids. Some of them were the same and there were some new faces. God really taught me that His will is perfect and is a lot better than mine. I really thought that it would be awesome if my team won the challenge circle one night. We didn’t win Monday or Tuesday and then Wednesday we couldn’t have the challenge circle because it rained so I was feeling disappointed. But then on Thursday, our last day for the challenge circle, my team won!! All the youth with me, and the kids on our team, were super excited! I realized that if things had gone like I wanted them too the week would have been great. But because it went by God’s perfect plan it was 100 times better! I am hoping to go back next year and thanks again for all your prayers!

Friday, July 24, 2009

In Their Own Words - Ashley

Matthew 5:16 says, ³In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.² It's stating by shining out the Lord's love, all eyes will be pointed to the Lord. This was my mindset as I was in New Orleans.

Going to New Orleans with the First Evangelical Free Church Team this year was a God-given, amazing, eye-opening, and life-changing experience. From our constant cheers to time spent with children, everything was pointed to the Lord. The Father humbled me when I saw the devastation and open love of those we encountered. My faith was growing in leaps and bounds, and was patched up by the compassion of Christ.

This time was used for learning about Jesus, others, and yourself. I was reminded I can put my trust and hope in Christ in the times of temptations of the devil. I learned ways to spend my assets (time, money, etc.) to glorify God to the fullest each day. From myself, I found the will directs the heart, and when it's God's will, the soul will truly be full.

Through one of our simple VBS cheers, I was reminded of what our everyday mission as Christians is. Mark 12:30 simply says to love the Lord with all you got, and love people until you drop. I will continue to do as the Lord says, and stir on you to do the same also.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

In Their Own Words - Jake

This week I learned a lot about patience, not only me but I think a lot of people did. When we (the high schoolers) did something wrong to get out in a game we would leave the game and wouldn't complain. Then one of the kids would do the same thing and we would let them have a redo. God really just showed me how to be patient and it is not all about me.
One of the best things down there was the testimonies given by the guys who grew up down there and went through the program. It was really cool to see how we impacted the people down there and got to show God¹s love.i would like to go back again.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In Their Own Words: Koley

I really don't know what to say other than this has been one of the best experiences of my life. It was a life changing experience for me. Before I went down there I didn't really know what to expect. I didn't how bad it was or anything like that. I just knew I was called to do this. For what reason it was I was not sure.When I finally got there it was totally different then what I thought it was going to be like. I never thought somebody so different from me could love me as much as those kids did.While I was down there I was changed because of those kids.Even though they had very little they were still very optimistic about everything, especially life. At such a young age they sort of had to fend for themselves.

Before this trip I could be selfish at times and I would ask for stuff that doesn't even matter.Since this trip I have tried to not be so caught up in stuff like that.I also have been changed in the fact that I have tried a lot harder to put God first and me last.In another way it was just changing because I got to become closer to some of the best people in the world, and become closer friends. And even though we are so different we all had the same goal in mind, and that was to further the kingdom of God.This experience over all was really great and I hope to return in the future.

In Their Own Words: Jeff Z

This summer's trip to New Orleans was life changing and eye opening. The poverty down there was so much, and to think that some people lost all they had in a matter of minutes was just devastating. Despite all the poverty there is still hope. UIM is doing a great job spreading the good news and hope everywhere they go. Even when I was down there I saw a couple people ask where the church was and if they could come which was very encouraging to me personally. The whole trip was so amazing that I would go back in a heartbeat, but we'll see what happens. Peace and Love.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Free Guys Show Some B-Ball Skills

Check out our guys as they brave the 100+ heat to put on an entertaining show of Xtreme Horse. Click Here

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our Closing Update From Karen!

New Orleans was so much fun!!!! I'm going to write about what happened after Thursday, our last blog. Friday we did day camp at a basketball court and hung out with the kids except for some of us who went to pray for New Orleans and some of us went to a different basketball court and hang out there. After that we went to the French quarter and walked around and went to the French Market and some of us bought stuff there. Later on Friday we didn't have challenge circle but we still got to hang out with the kids there and say our last goodbyes. Some of us got some of the kid's addresses so that we could write them after we left.

Early Saturday morning we got up and said goodbye to the groups we had been hanging out with for a week, ate supper, and packed up the van and left for our long two day trip home.On Sunday we woke up, packed the van and left by 7:00 and started our 11 hour journey home, filled with naps in the van. At 5:45 we entered the church parking lot and were welcomed by our families, but before we got out of the van we prayed and thanked God for our trip and a little later we cleaned out the van and everyone was ready to head home.

Praises and Prayer: We thank God so much for the opportunity to go down to New Orleans and for the great time we had. We also thank him for the safe trip down and back and for the impact it made on our lives and the lives of the kids in New Orleans. Please pray that we'd take what we learned from New Orleans and continue to use it in our lives no matter where we are. Also continue to pray for New Orleans, God is doing awesome things there.We thank all of you who prayed for us while we were down there and anyone who donated money, this trip would be impossible without you.

Now for our final poem =)

While we were in New Orleans we had a blast
So our time went by really fast
We had so much fun
Even in the hot sun
We can't believe that our trip has already passed