Our church (First EFC- Maplewood, MN) youth ministries have partnered with CastleRock Community Church and Urban Impact Ministries in the Central-City of New Orleans since 1997. This blog will highlight the activities of our 2011 team.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Let The Challenge Circle Begin!

We weren't sure if the Challenge Circle was going to happen because of the rain and lightening in the area. After a delicious dinner, we traveled to two project sites to do the Challenge Circle. We divided up and went the Melph and the Callio. It was so encouraging to arrive and see the children come out as soon as we arrived. Our team along with the other performed great and it was great to actually put in action all the things we have been in training for.

We found out later that we had major rainstorms not more than a mile from us. We praised God for the little sprinkles we had and holding off the rain in the area. We also had an evening with a temperature near 80, that was nice.

We begin work gutting houses tomorrow in the morning.

Prayer Items: 1) Continued prayer for the weather to provide us the opportunity to share Christ with the children. 2) Pray for safety at the work sites. 3) Pray for continued health of our team, all are currently doing well.


Kari Roberts said...

Sounds like you are having a great trip! My husband and I signed up to pray specifically for Megan Ericson- she and the entire team are in our prayers. May God work through you this week!
-Bill and Kari Roberts

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave,
Nice job keeping us up to date on the team. I really enjoy the pictures. Sounds like a great team. I love what the Trelevens said in the previous post. A wild fire in a wet New Orleans (wet from sweat if not from rain!) would really have to come from the power of God.
We are praying, God Bless,
Chris and Brad Keller